Graphic Design / Division of Student Affairs
Division of Student Affairs 50th Anniversary Campaign
In 2023, the Division of Student Affairs celebrated its 50th Anniversary. I conceptualized and designed two visual components that were utilized across digital platforms, as well as in promotional products, to increase awareness for the 50th anniversary among students, faculty, and staff. The "Jumping Rev" design calls on 70's colors and typography, along with Texas A&M's beloved mascot Reveille, to create a nostalgic throwback to the era of the Division's inception. The "Skyline" design takes inspiration from a seal design used during Texas A&M's 75th anniversary, preserved by the Evans Library Annex. This design also features the iconic Aggieland skyline. Along with these designs, I also assisted our Communications Coordinator by creating several social media posts for Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Division of Student Affairs 50th Anniversary Retro-Callback T-Shirt Design
Division of Student Affairs 50th Anniversary Retro-Callback T-Shirt Design
Division of Student Affairs 50th Anniversary "Skyline Seal" T-Shirt Design
Division of Student Affairs 50th Anniversary "Skyline Seal" T-Shirt Design
Two Instagram posts promoting the 50th Anniversary, one inspired by a Taylor Swift album
Two Instagram posts promoting the 50th Anniversary, one inspired by a Taylor Swift album
Series of stickers promoting the 50th Anniversary.
Series of stickers promoting the 50th Anniversary.
Coffee mug design to promote the 50th Anniversary
Coffee mug design to promote the 50th Anniversary
Infographic highlighting attendance for a variety of first-week-of-school events.
Infographic highlighting attendance for a variety of first-week-of-school events.
Instagram carousel sharing tips for a great first week of school.
Instagram carousel sharing tips for a great first week of school.
Back to School Promotions
The first week of classes in Aggieland brought thousands of new and returning students back to campus. The Division wanted to share several important numbers following first-week festivities. I designed an infographic to highlight new student statistics and event attendance. This infographic was shared across DSA social media channels, as well as in a slide deck presented to the VP of Student Affairs.
I also assisted the Communications Coordinator with designing a social media carousel sharing some tips for new students' first week of classes.
Hanging banner and folding sign design for the Veteran Watch Party.
Hanging banner and folding sign design for the Veteran Watch Party.
Social media post for the Veteran Watch Party.
Social media post for the Veteran Watch Party.
Veteran Resource Support Center (VRSC) Campaign
My role includes filling design-related project requests for the 12 departments housed within the Division, including the VRSC. I designed banners, print signage, digital signage (not pictured), and social media posts to promote an event they host. Feedback for this project came directly from the Vice President for Student Affairs, as well as from my creative manager. 
Retro, mid-century style digital sign for the DSA/Music Activities Holiday Concert.
Retro, mid-century style digital sign for the DSA/Music Activities Holiday Concert.
Retro, mid-century style Instagram post for the DSA/Music Activities Holiday Concert.
Retro, mid-century style Instagram post for the DSA/Music Activities Holiday Concert.
Happy Holidays from the Division of Student Affairs!
December at DSA means lots of holiday events and announcements! To advertise the annual holiday concert, I designed a campaign, including digital signage and social media, that calls to mid-century design trends. This was a 50th Anniversary event, so I wanted to reference the 1970s. I illustrated the amphitheater where the concert is held, and incorporated freeform shapes and some funky type treatment. 
I also designed digital signage and printed invitations/announcements for various events hosted by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. These products were distributed/communicated to staff members, and passed approval from the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Digital sign for the DSA Holiday Open House
Digital sign for the DSA Holiday Open House
Printed invitations for the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs Holiday Party.
Printed invitations for the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs Holiday Party.
DSA's annual printed holiday card
DSA's annual printed holiday card
Hiring a Student Graphic Designer!
Graduating college is great, but that means I can no longer be a "student" graphic designer. This was a bittersweet project, but I designed a series of "Now Hiring" posters for my position, both in and out of brand, that I then hung up around the Visualization building. I tried appeal to a broad range of design styles, in order to attract a broad and diverse range of potential designers. 
50th Birthday Bash Digital Sign
50th Birthday Bash Digital Sign
50th Birthday Bash Instagram post and story
50th Birthday Bash Instagram post and story
Division of Student Affairs 50th Anniversary Birthday Bash Campaign
I created a campaign to advertise the 50th Anniversary Birthday Bash, celebrating 50 years of Student Affairs. This campaign extends across digital signage and social media channels, communicated primarily to students.
Stickers for Student Community Standards
Stickers for Student Community Standards
Logo design for student-run event "Pies and Charts"
Logo design for student-run event "Pies and Charts"
Designs for DSA Departments
I worked directly with leaders from Student Community Standards (SCS) to update their sticker designs. They requested stickers that followed Texas A&M brand guidelines that promote the Aggie Honor Code. They also wanted a few fresh, upbeat designs that did not fall under brand guidelines.
The Department of Student Affairs Strategic Planning (SASP) hosts an annual event called "Pies and Charts". They requested a new mark that could be used for print, email, and promotional items. I designed horizontal, round, and square iterations for them, and made sure to include Texas A&M's iconic Aggie Maroon.
DSA Photo Backdrop
I designed a new photo backdrop that will be used at future DSA events. The backdrop is double-sided, featuring Aggie Maroon and the Texas A&M brand's neutral tone.
"Student Spotlight" Slide deck
"Student Spotlight" Slide deck
Aggie Dictionary Instagram posts
Aggie Dictionary Instagram posts
Student Spotlight Slide Deck & Aggie Dictionary Social Media Posts
This year's "DSA Annual Report" included spotlights of student workers from each department. I translated the print layouts of these features into a slide deck, which was presented for the Vice President of Student Affairs.
I assisted our Communications Coordinator in designing social media posts that teach new students about common Aggie terminology. These posts were shared across all DSA social channels.
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